Maison de la soie in the Champions of Growth 2024 ranking
Maison de la soie in the ranking of champions of growth 2024published by Les Echos magazine. Visit Champions of Growth 2024 awards is made up of a list of 500...
Maison de la soie in the ranking of champions of growth 2024published by Les Echos magazine. Visit Champions of Growth 2024 awards is made up of a list of 500...
Our new collection of scrunchies collection was highly praised by Marianne magazine. With an affordable price and high-quality silk, discover how our silk scrunchies are ideal for caring for...
Our silk nightcaps give you a good night's sleep, and the Marianne magazine confirms it! In its article of August 10, 2023, Marianne suggests combining travel with a comfortable...
Marie Claire magazine has chosen to present our silk sleeping mask as a gift idea for Mother's Day. Give her silk to take care of her.
The regional daily Sud Ouest met with Maison de la soierecognized as the benchmark for silk in France. The journalist highlights the quality of our products, explaining the exceptional properties...
France 2 parle de Maison de la soie