Maison de la soie in the ranking of champions of growth 2024published by Les Echos magazine.
Visit Champions of Growth 2024 awards is made up of a list of 500 companies headquartered in France. Between 2019 and 2022, these companies achieved a significant growth in sales. This applies to both SMEs and listed companies.
Thanks to your trustand your interest in our silk productsour company has achieved excellent growth. Our exceptional evolution (+25.85%), underlines our expertise and our values. As silk experts, we give priority to raw materials of the highest quality. the highest qualitywhile at the same time offering affordable prices for our customers.
Our commitments
Since our opening in 2010, we have aimed to offer the French market :
- High-quality silk products
- Make silk accessible to as many people as possible
The very high quality of silk used in each of our products highlights the know-how of silk craftsmen.
With a focus on economies of scale and direct saleswe have succeeded in offering you a range in pure mulberry silk, at a very competitive price. at affordable prices.
Discover the benefits of silk, with Maison de la soie
With Maison de la soieMaison de la soie brings the magic of silk into your home: bed linen, household linen, ready-to-wear and innovative beauty products. Discover our full range on our online boutique.Thanks to the magazine Les Echosfor sharing this champions of growth 2024.
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